Rhythm Guitar (Summary)

Rhythm Guitar is a comprehensive instructional book on rhythmic (chord-based) styles of play on the steel string acoustic guitar. Rhythm Guitar is suitable for complete beginners in the study of music or the study of the guitar, and advances readers through an intermediate level of playing skill and understanding. Playing techniques are described in great detail, and parallel skill development learning tracks (the playing patterns and chord progressions, and the playing Exercises) allow readers to develop their playing skills at their own pace. There is an intentional and considerable emphasis on music theory, chord theory, and musicianship (practicing and performing music effectively). The goal of the innovative course of study in Rhythm Guitar is self-sufficiency as a rhythm guitarist, with equal fluency in flatpick styles and fingerstyles of play.

Rhythm Guitar is the manual for the rhythm guitar component of the visualinear tablature guitar series. In the Overview section of the Rhythm Guitar page, an exact definition of the term rhythm guitar is developed. In the About Rhythm Guitar section, a detailed outline of the course of study in Rhythm Guitar is given. The Table of Contents section contains the complete Table of Contents for Rhythm Guitar, and includes links that allow for an online review of the Foreword, the Introduction, and the Index. The playing Exercises section is highlighted by audio excerpts from the CD of the playing Exercises. These audio excerpts allow for a quick review of the numerous playing styles and playing techniques that are discussed in the text of Rhythm Guitar, and exemplified in the playing Exercises.