a world of music, based on the guitar,
and on visualinear tablature
Page numbers in bold face indicate the location of term definitions
accent (`axe-sent) 68, 167 accented hammered note 144, 213 accented strums 102 accented upstrums 68, 81-83, 197, 201 accidentals 6, 12 acoustic guitar vi actual key 186, 227 added note chords 95-97, 227 advanced strumming notation 197-198 altered note chords 227 alternate fingerings for chords 20, 121, 124, 156, 222 alternate pick and strum style 130-132, 134, 156, 198, 222 alternating bass 159-164, 166, 202, 203, 216 appoggiatura (ah-pah-gee-ah-`tor-ah) 103 arpeggiated strum 79 arpeggio (ahr-`peh-gee-o) 56, 84, 181 Augmented interval 12 Augmented chords 175-177, 181 Augmented triad 14, 174 authentic cadence 27
backpicking 132, 136 bagpipe 212, 215 bar 29 bar line 38 barre chords 150-152, 153, 181, 187 Baroque era 34, 35, 71 basic downstrum 37 basic upstrum 38 bass instruments 9 bass note – strum style 79-80, 104, 125, 197, 198 bassoon (bah-`soon) 8 bass register 9, 95 bass strings of the guitar 10 bass voice 143-144 bend 110-111, 164, 213, 218 binary division 91, 124, 170, 171 binary rhythms 124-125, 127 bluegrass music 104 blues iv, 65, 148, 151, 175, 183, 194, 218 brass instruments 8, 9, 208 bridge 53 bridge chords 190, 193, 196
cadence 27, 145, 146 capo (`kay-po) 185, 186-187, 208, 227 cello (`cheh-lo) 8 chord chart 178-179, 185 chord diagrams vi chord fingerings 19-20 chord progression vii, 25, 152, 186-189 chords above a bass note 123, 226 chord shape 227 chord substitutions 73, 94, 167 chord symbols 20-21, 177 chord transitions 116, 123-124 chord voicing 17, 23, 96, 97, 176, 177, 187, 189 chorus 146 chromatic (kro-`ma-tic) electronic tuner 208 chromatic pitch pipe 208 clarinet 8 classical guitar v, vi, 54-56, 145, 151, 159-160, 186, 207 combined hammer-on and pull-off 144, 195, 213 common chords and common keys 72-73, 149-152 common time 38 compound meter 91-92, 125, 127, 164, 170, 171, 203 concert band 8 connecting chords 73-74 contemporary folk music iii, vi, 104, 151, 175 counter-melody 206 counterpoint 141 country music iv, 104, 125, 151 creating chord progressions 73 cut time 60
DADGAD tuning 215, 219 damped notes 87, 164 damped strums 76-78, 102, 153 damping 75, 132, 137, 191 damp sign 75 destination chord 124 diminished chords 175 diminished interval 12 diminished 7th chords 181-184 diminished triad 14, 174 dissonant 175, 176 D modal tuning 215 Dominant chord 27, 175 Dominant 9th chord 148 Dominant 7th chord 93, 96, 167 double flat 6 double hammer-on 194 double pedal 215 double pinch 115 double repeat sign 140 double sharp 6 double time 61, 103 downbeat 67, 120, 170 D pedal tuning 212-213, 219 drone notes 212 drop D tuning 209 D standard tuning 197 D tuning 209 duets 189-190, 198, 203, 208 duple meter 92 duplets 173-174, 201 duration of notes 86-87 Dylan, Bob 109
8 basic chords 94, 163 8 common keys 72 Eastern music 1 Eb standard tuning 208 electric guitar 22 electronic keyboard 15, 208 electronic tuning device 16, 208 enharmonic 6, 7, 11, 12, 176, 226 equal temperament 2, 3, 5, 10 expanding chord progressions 73-75 external repeat sign 140
5th below the root 107-109, 111, 125, 162, 163 5th chords 190-192, 226 5th of a chord 13 IV chord 27 V chord 27 fade 164 families of instruments 8-9 fermata (fehr-`ma-ta) 140 F(5) chord 97-98 final cadence 146 fingerpicking style 65, 202, 203, 206 fingerpicks 65 fingerstyle i, 53 fingerstyle patterns of play 118, 142 first and second endings 134 flamenco (flah-`men-ko) 35, 81, 174 flat 6 flat key 208 flatpick style i florid counterpoint 141-142 florid fingerstyle 142, 159 flute 8 folk music iii, 104, 109, 148, 151, 175 form 145, 164 formal name for an interval 11-12 four finger picking 56 fret 10 fretboard diagram 11-12 F(6) chord 122 full barre 150, 151, 185, 218 fundamental note 223, 224
Grand Barre 150 Greenwich (`Grehn-itch) Village iii g(6) chord 98-99 guitar ensemble music 110 guitar instructional videos v Guthrie, Woody 109
half cadence 27, 28 half-open tunings 225 half-step 2, 11 hammered chord 196 hammered notes 114, 194, 195, 210 hammer-on 105, 106, 141, 193 harmonic rhythm 47, 128, 177, 178 harmonics 223, 224 harmonious 2 honky-tonk piano music 203 horn 8, 9 hybrid picking 66
implied melody 156, 159 improvisation 47, 115, 146 incomplete chords 136, 138 interior voice 144 internal damping 98-99 internal pedal 212 internal repeat sign 140 interval 11, 188 inverted chord 19, 122, 136, 176, 183 inverted pedal 212
jazz guitar v, vi, 65, 148, 151, 186 jazz music iii, iv, 175, 183 jazz orchestra 8
key 25, 26, 28, 227 keynote 26, 28 key of play 185, 189, 227
lead guitar 144, 146 lead sheet 177 legato (leh-`gah-to) 75, 102 low D tuning 209, 225 lute 2
M3 13 m3 13 M7 chords 93-94 m7 chords 93-94 M9 chords 148-149 m9 chords 148-149 Major 3rd 12 Major 7th chord 93-94, 116 Major 9th chord 148-149 Major key 25, 26 Major/minor system 14, 25, 175 Major triad 14 marching band 8 measure 29 Medieval cadence 71-72, 74 melodic score 159 meter 29, 40, 170 metric beat 67 metric rhythm 39, 58, 170 metronome 52-53, 178, 179 minor 3rd 12 minor 7th chord 93-94 minor 9th chord 148-149 minor key 25, 26 minor triad 14 modal chords 192-193, 212, 226 modal harmonies 210 modulation 183-184 monophonic 83, 114 multiple flatpicked notes 133, 134, 198 multiple note fingerstyle techniques 114-115, 141, 142 muted notes 137-138, 140 muted strums 153-154, 220
9th chords 148-149 natural notes 5, 11 natural sign 6 node 223, 224 notation 20 non-chord note 105, 144, 195 non-chord notes in strums 155-159, 193 numerical value of an interval 11, 12 nut 19, 185 nylon string guitar 22, 55
oboe 8 octave 3, 5, 11 open chord 110, 218 open chord symbol 110, 111, 196, 216 open minor tuning 219-220, 222 open notes of the guitar 10 open tuning 218-224 oral teaching tradition v, vi ORDER 147, 156, 157, 158 overtones 223, 224
P4 26 P5 26 parallel Major 70 parallel minor 70 parallel phrases 145 partial barre 23, 98, 100, 150, 220 passing chord 196 patterned fingerstyle 83-84, 159, 160 pedal harmony 222-223 pedal note 212, 215 percussion instruments 8 Perfect 4th 26, 27 Perfect 5th 26, 27, 190 Perfect interval 12 phrase 120, 145, 216, 218 piano 8, 15 piano keyboard 2-6, 8 Picadilly 3rd 71 pick and strum style 104, 111-114, 130, 131, 140, 156, 197 pick-up 120, 134 pinch 114-115 pitch pipe 15, 208 pivot point 124 playing hand anchor 54, 56 playing hand fingerings 58 plectrum 35 power chords 190 pulled-off chords 196 pull-off 106, 141, 195, 210 punteado (poon-tay-`ah-do) 34, 53
quadruple meter 29, 38, 170 quartering of the beat 91, 102-103, 114, 136, 144, 194, 210
ragtime piano music 203 raised 5th 175 range 9 rasgueado (rahs-gay-`ah-do) 34, 53 reed 8 register 3, 9 relative Major 70 relative minor 70 relative tuning 16 Renaissance (`Reh-neh-sahnce) 36, 141 repeat signs 90, 216 resolve 121 resonance 86, 130 rest 62, 76 rhythm 38 Rhythm Guitar Core Catalog ii rhythm guitar duets 189-190, 208 ringing notes 86-87, 140, 167 rock music iv, vi, 151, 186, 190, 191, 192 rolled strum 37 rolls 141, 142 root-bass position 18, 94, 95, 136, 176 root of a chord 13
7th chords 92-94 saxophone 8 scale 159 scordatura 207 score v secondary emphasis 67, 92, 115, 170 section 90, 203, 206 sharp 6 simple meter 170, 203 slide 133-134, 218, 222 sonata form 145 song form 146 song scores 146-147 sound hole 53 Spanish music 142, 174, 198 staccato (stah-`kah-to) 130, 133, 136, 210, 218, 220, 222 staff notation v, 91 standard of pitch 15, 16, 208 standard tuning 197 steel string acoustic guitar vi, 22, 55 string and fret notation 105, 138, 155, 159, 216, 223 string bass 8 stringed instruments 8 strumming 35 strumming patterns 40-41 , 45-47, 68-69, 78, 103-104, 127 strums over bass strings 198 strums over interior strings 198, 201 suspended 2nd chords 192 suspended 3rd 141, 169, 194, 195 suspended chords 121, 167, 226 symphony form 145 symphony orchestra 2, 8 syncopation 51, 67-68, 76, 115, 137, 138, 142, 170, 202, 213, 214
3rd of a chord 13 12-bar blues progression 29, 30 12-string guitar 208-209 32nd notes 91 TAB notation v, 11 talking blues progression 109-110 tempo 42, 178 ternary division 91, 124, 125, 128, 170, 171 ternary rhythms 125 tertian harmony 13, 226 three chord group 27, 220 three finger picking 61-62 three-note fretting hand technique 144, 218 thumbing 122, 144 thumbpick 65 timbre 53, 223 tonic chord 26, 27, 96 tonic note 26, 27, 28 touch in fingerstyle 88-89 touch with a flatpick 45, 75 traditional music 148, 152, 175 transposing 28, 31, 150-151, 185-189 Travis, Merle 166 Travis picking 166, 167 treble register 9 treble strings of the guitar 10 treble voice 144 triad 13 triple meter 29, 38, 170 triple pinch 115, 140 triplet 171-172, 173, 213 triple unison 216, 218 trombone 8 trumpet 8, 9 tuba 8, 9 tuning the guitar 15-16 turn (in a fingerstyle pattern) 83, 84 Twelvemonth Music website ii, 50 two-note fretting hand technique 105-106, 133, 167
unison 134 upbeat 120
verse 146 vibrating length of a string 10 vibrato (vih-`brah-to) 87-88, 110, 132, 218 viol (vee-`ohl) 2 viola (vee-`oh-la) 8 violin 8 visualinear tablature 39, 56-58 voicing 17, 23, 96, 97, 176, 177, 187, 189
Western music iv, 1, 2, 14, 25, 27, 174 whole step 6, 11 woodwinds 8
zero fret 19, 185
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