a world of music, based on the guitar,
and on visualinear tablature
Melody Guitar is the first book of the visualinear tablature guitar series. It is a practical manual for beginners on playing melodies effectively on the guitar. It is also a music primer containing a general introduction to the formal study of music. It is also the manual for the guitar ensemble component of the series.
Guitar ensemble music and the benefits of learning to play melodic music on the guitar are explained in the Overview section of the Melody Guitar page. In the About Melody Guitar section, the purposes of the course of study contained in Melody Guitar are discussed, and a general outline of this course of study is given. The Table of Contents section gives the complete Table of Contents for Melody Guitar, including links that allow for a review of the Foreword, the Introduction, and the Index.
In the Melody Guitar Exercises section, the Exercises can be freely downloaded in e-score format. There are also free download links for the TefView Score Reader from TablEdit, and for the TefView Primer, which explains how to use features of the TefView program that make working with visualinear tablature guitar ensemble e-scores an enjoyable and productive activity.
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