a world of music, based on the guitar,
and on visualinear tablature
Page numbers in bold face indicate the location of term definitions
a capella (ah-kah-`pell-ah) 170 accelerando (axe-sell-er-`ahn-do) 106 accent (`axe-sent) 46 accompaniment 2, 188 acoustic electric guitar 4, 5, 6, 54 acoustic guitar 4, 5, 6, 54 adagio (ah-`dah-gee-o) 106 allegretto (ah-leh-`greh-to) 107 allegro (ah-`lay-gro) 107 alternative rock music 5 alto 170 al-ud 1 American Indian 180 amplifier 5, 6 andante (ahn-`dahn-tay) 107, 126 Appendix 21, 104 archtop design 5, 6 arranging 83 art song 188 a tempo (ah `tehm-po) 106 Audio CD format 79, 80, 82, 102
Bach Chorales 113, 169-170, 174 Bach, J. S. 1, 78, 112, 113 backbeat 52 banjo 193 bar 36, 37 barbershop music 175 bar line 37 Baroque 1, 78, 112, 113 Baroque period 187 bass part 88 Beethoven 2, 113, 141 binary division of the beat 67 bluegrass music 4, 193 blues iv, 4, 181 boogie woogie 181 bracing 13 Broadway music iii
cadence 99, 127, 128 canon (`ka-nun) 150-151 Carcassi 1 carrying case 8 catch 78 catgut strings 4 cello (`cheh-lo) 9 chant 72, 77 chase 150, 151 choir (`cwy-er) i, v, vi, 136 choosing the style of play 43 Chopin (`Sho-pan) 61 chorale (kor-`al) 169 Chorale model 174 chord 19, 170 chord diagram 18-19 chord progression 78 Christian, Charlie 5 chromatic (kro-`ma-tic) 164 Classical guitar v, 3, 4, 6, 9, 15 Classical guitar technique 24-26, 28-30, 42 Classical guitar tradition iv, 1, 2, 24-26, 28-30 Classical music i, iii, iv, v, vi, 1, 123, 142, 164, 174-175, 187-189 Classical period 187 common meter 36 common time 36 compound meter 37, 66, 67, 79, 163 con brio 105 conductor 108-110 consonance 123, 128 contemporary folk music iii, 4 contrapuntal 77 contrary motion 116 counter-melodic 137, 157 counter-melody 137 counterpoint 77 counting out meter 46-47, 65, 67 country music iv, 4, 193 courses 1 crescendo (kruh-`shehn-do) 105 crossing over of parts 123, 193 cutaway design 6
da capo (dah `kah-po) 163 damped rhythms 132, 136, 142 damping 57 damp sign 58, 61 diatonic 164 diminuendo (dih-mihn-you-`ehn-do) 105-106 director 108-110 dissonance 122, 128 distortion devices (pedals) 54 dolce (`dohl-chay) 105 double pedal 187 double round 113, 150 doubling 170 doubling the number of beats 66 downbeat 45, 46 drone 77 duet 83, 88 duple meter 37, 68 duration of notes 57 dynamics 105
electric guitar 4, 5, 6, 9, 15, 54 electronic tuning device 22 ensemble (ahn-`sahm-bull) i, v, 83 ensemble arrangement 88, 89 equivalent notes 99, 119, 143, 157 e-scores ii, 101 espressivo (eh-spress-`see-vo) 105 ethos (`eh-thos) 180
4/4 time 36, 68 fade 142 fan bracing 3 fermata (fehr-`ma-ta) 107, 108, 169 fiddle 193 figure 181 final cadence 127 fingerboard 9 fingerings for fretted notes 42 fingerpicks 31 fingerstyle 29 first and second endings 80 flamenco (flah-`men-ko) 4, 6 flat 15, 23 flatpick technique 31-32, 49 flattop steel string guitar 4 folk music iii, 4, 36, 164, 186, 187 folksong 77, 170 foot-tapping 34, 49, 63 form 133 forte (`four-tay) 106 fortissimo (four-`tee-see-mo) 106 Foster, Stephen 80 four-part arrangement 88 fretboard 9 fretboard diagram 17 fret identification dots (fretting dots) 10, 11, 143
Gospel music 113, 136 grave (`grah-vay) 105 grazioso 105 Greenwich (`Grehn-itch) Village iii Gregorian chant 72, 170, 174 ground 181 ground bass 181 Guitar Ensemble Catalog ii, 101-104 guitar ensemble music i, vi, 101-104 guitar instructional videos vi guitar polish 9 guitar stand 8 guitar strap 25
halving the beat 46-47 harmonious 88 harmonization 116, 150, 152 harmonized chorale 169 harmony 78, 88 harmony part 88 hidden round 113, 146 holding the guitar 24-25 hollow body guitar 5, 6 homophonic (hah-mo-`fahn-ick) 174 hybrid picking 32-33
Impressionistic period 188 interior part 88 internal pedal 126 inversion 93 inverted chord 93 inverted pedal 126
jazz iii, iv, 4, 5, 6, 52, 61, 181 jazz guitar 5
key 120, 157, 164 keynote 120
largo (`lahr-go) 106 lead guitar 6, 7 learning new music 50-51, 64, 71 left hand position 25-26 legato (leh-`gah-to) 58 leggiero (leh-gee-`eh-ro) 105 lento 106 Lizst, Franz 71 Louis XIV 3 luthier 3
maestoso (my-eh-`stoh-so) 105 Major key 141 Malzel, J. N. 35 mandolin 193 marcato 105 measure 36, 37, 45 Medieval 132, 136, 181 melodic 89, 132 melodic line 54 melody-harmony scheme 89 meter 34 metric rhythm 39, 43, 45 metronome 35, 49, 63, 106 mezzo forte (`meht-zo `four-tay) 106 mezzo piano 106 Middle Ages 77, 187 MIDI soundtracks 79, 80, 82, 102 mixed choir 136
9/8 time 68 Negro Spiritual 136 neo-Classicism 188 New Orleans iii non-Classical music v, vi, vii, 2 notation v, 15, 50 nylon string guitar 4, 6, 9
oblique motion 116 octave 119 open notes 14, 17, 119 opera 187, 188 oral teaching tradition vi, 2 oratorio 187, 188 orchestra i, iv, v, vi, 188 ostinato (ah-stihn-`ah-to) 181 overplaying 110
page turning 71, 102, 104 parallel construction 77, 156 parallel motion 116 parallel pick-ups 127 parallel pedal 186 parallel runs 99, 127, 164, 187 part score 103 parts arrangement 83 parts music 83 parts of the guitar 9-12 parts round 146, 150, 152, 180 passage 89 .PDF format 102 pedagogy (peh-dah-`go-gee) v, vi pedal 126 pedal effect 186-187 pedal harmony 126 pedal note 126 pedal point 126 phrase 80 phrasing 122, 147-148, 156, 169, 193 pianissimo (pee-ah-`nee-see-mo) 106 piano v, 55, 126, 141, 188 piano (score direction) 106 pick guard 6 pick-up 43, 93, 98 pirate songs 136 pitch 9, 13 pitch pipe 22 plainsong 72 playing hand anchor 28, 32 playing in an ensemble 109-111 plectrum 32 polyphonic 77, 78, 89, 174, 181, 193 polyphony 77, 174 Pope Gregory 72 popular music iii, iv, 4, 36, 164, 187, 189 portato (poor-`tah-to) 60, 116, 156 post-Impressionism 188 prestissimo (press-`tee-see-mo) 107 presto 107 printed and bound format 102-103 program music 188 punteado (poon-tay-`ah-do) 31
quadruple meter 36, 39, 52, 163 quartering the beat 64-65, 152
range 127 razgueado (rahs-gay-`ah-do) 31 reading music 70-72, 109 register 119, 127, 143 relative tuning 23, 24 Renaissance (Reh-neh-`sahnce) 77, 169, 174 Renaissance period 187 repeating signs 163 repeat signs 80, 93 repertoire (`reh-per-twahr) 1, 64, 71 resolution 123, 127-128 resolve 122 resonant 57, 143 responsorial music 136 rest 122, 143 rhythm 38, 45, 57 rhythmic (chord-based) styles of play vi, 101 rhythmic unison 94 Riemenschneider 169 right hand position 28 ritardando (rih-tahr-`dahn-do) 106 rock band 110 rock music iv, 5, 6, 52, 164 Romantic music 61 Romantic period 188 root-bass position 93 root note 93 rote 72 round 78, 79, 82, 83, 146, 150, 151 rubato (roo-`bah-to) 61 run 98
6/8 time 68 sacred 187 SATB 170 scale 157, 158, 164 scale passage 157 scherzando (scare-`tzahn-do) 105 Schumann (Shoo-`mahn) 112 score 38 score directions 104-107, 110 secondary emphasis 147 secular 77, 170, 187 sharp 15, 23 sight-reading 71 simplice (sihm-`plee-say) 105 solo vi, 108, 136 soloist v soprano 170 sostenuto (sah-steh-`noo-to) 105 sound box 1, 5, 10, 11, 13 sound hole 5, 10, 11, 28 Spain 1, 3 Spanish guitar 3 stacatto (stah-`kah-to) 58, 137 stacatto within a legato 116 staff notation v, vi, 15, 36 standard of pitch 22 stave 83, 88 steel string guitar 4, 6, 9, 13, 15, 30, 54 steel strings 3, 4 Stieg, D. L. 112, 113 string and fret notation 16-17, 20 string quartet 110 strumming 4 style of play 43 suspended rhythmic effect 169 sustain lines 60, 61, 98, 186 syncopated effect 115, 126, 169 syncopation 52
3/4 time 37, 68 12/8 time 68 12-string guitar 4 tablature notation 16 TAB notation vi, 16, 17 tapping out rhythms 40, 47, 49 Tarrega (Tah-`ray-gah) 1 .tef files ii, 101 TefView Primer ii tempo 36, 51, 64, 106 tenor 170 tension on a string 13-14 ternary division of the beat 66, 67, 163 thickness of a string 13-14 thumbpick 31 timbre 29 tonal quality 28, 101 Torres (`Tohr-aze) 3 touch 55 transcribe 104 transducer 5 transitional passage 99 transpose 120, 141 trio 88 triple meter 36-37, 39 troubadours iii, 2, 187 tuning the guitar 22-24 Twelvemonth Web site ii, 101-103, 113
unison 164 upper register of the guitar 143, 157
vibrating length of a string 13-14 vibrato (vih-`brah-to) 56, 60, 99, 119, 180-181, 186 violin 9, 193 voicing 175
waltz music 99 Western music iv, 119, 169, 174, 187, 189
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